Run tests · Press the Run test icon in the gutter. · Right-click on the test class or method and click Run . · Select the test class or method and ... Test types and locations · Unified Gradle test runner · Run with Firebase Test Lab
A local test runs directly on your own workstation, rather than an Android device or emulator. As such, it uses your local Java Virtual Machine (JVM), ... Create a local unit test class · Mockable Android library
AndroidX Test includes a JUnit 4 test runner , AndroidJUnitRunner , and APIs for functional UI tests such as Espresso, UI Automator and Compose test. You ... Big test stability · JUnit4 rules with AndroidX Test · Set up project for AndroidX
Right-click your test case and select the JUnit flavor. BTW, it seems to toggle the visibility of the JUnit/Android tests when you change the Build Variants ...